Franklin Hot Springs


4 Reviews on “Franklin Hot Springs”

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  • Kalena

    I love the water here?. Super friendly family pool and camping right next to the springs with all night soaking is incredible under the stars. Fabulous mud for covering your body then dry scrub off and your skin is silky smooth ? Rustic country feel and super friendly people

  • Jennifer A Ogden

    Have been loving Franklin’s for years! Completely family friendly, which is nice. Large pit, covered picnic area, bathrooms, camping, fishing, and boating are some of the activities Franklin’s has to offer. Water is pure medicine!

  • Tay

    This place was simply disgusting. Murky, muddy water and sludge at the bottom. The water was lukewarm, almost cold. My wife and I did not enjoy this place. They also have no shower facility for people to wash before or after soak.
    Used the facility in April 2015.

  • Ann

    They have clean showers and clean bathrooms.

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