Harbin Hot Springs


5 Reviews on “Harbin Hot Springs”

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  • Kalena

    Harbin is a Pheonix from the ashes arose and reborn with its loving waters embracing your Mind Body and Soul in a new day and time ?

  • Grant

    I was blessed to have a friend invite me to join her Jan 2022 and I’ve gone several times by myself since. People go there for many reasons and as a person who talks a lot, I love the silent meditation areas as I’ve spent two nights there and said less than I typed on this page. lol =) Have also talked to some others recently as I let go and relax into Harbin. Never thought I could be naked around non lovers let alone strangers but it’s so freeing and the ‘vibe’ by many there is a blessing. Thank you

  • Aaron

    An amazing experience, and we will be back several times a year. Lots of events like yoga, deep breathing, movies etc. The staff was amazing and friendly. The food was crazy good, and the prices were reasonable.
    The pools were magnificent. I have NOTHING bad to say about Harbin.

  • Allie Carroll

    If I have been hot springing for over twenty years. I live for hot springing. I even make my own bath salts with sulphur. It helped me get through my cancer. I’ve been to springs on the side of the road, Spas. For me harbin was the worst experience I ever had. It’s crowded and noisy, drunk men looking at your breast and there’s no security. I’ve walked away from that place twice and will never return even if somebody pays my way. I am disabled and I stayed up in the dome area.And they wouldn’t let me use the pools up there because they were doing watsu. I could sit on the steps and not even get in their way. They also blocked the Handicap chair with all of their stuff.So I couldn’t use the chair if I wanted 2 get into the pool. One should never block the handicap chair. I was supposed to stay another night and I decided to leave and go Orr the hill’s to pure bliss in Ukaih. this is a very las vegas type of hot spring. I love kids but having floaties and noodles boppin
    the head was not cool. The screaming is what really got me. I personally go to hot springs to relax and get my body back to where it needs to be, For me this is not the place nor will it ever be. I have been there before the fire And after, and my opinion is the same.

  • Minnie Mouse

    Harbin used to be great until a person named Jacoby ruined it. Dude preys on women who go there for peace, rejuvenation and self love but feels them up in the pools and charms them into sex in the bathroom just to do it with another lonely person as soon as he is done. I have no problem with Poly people but I have a problem with spineless users. Staff was alerted to him doing something that is forbidden at Harbin, and did nothing to ban him or protect the multiple people involved. It used to be a more spiritual place and not just about profit. Very sad that people that need to escape harm got hurt there from that Jacoby Woods guy.

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